
    Research on semantic retrieval model towards geological big data

    • 摘要: 随着物联网、互联网、大数据、云计算等新一代信息技术的发展和在地学领域的应用,如何更全、更准的从海量地质数据中检索到用户所需要的信息,并以一种智能的方式推荐给用户,成了亟待解决的问题。本文从地质大数据语义模型定义和基于知识图谱技术的地质大数据语义模型构建入手,提出了一套面向地质大数据的语义检索和聚类分析方法,并完成了面向地质大数据语义检索系统平台的开发、实施及实验验证。验证结果表明此方法在查准率和查全率方面较其他方法更具优越性。


      Abstract: With the new generation of information technology’s development and its application in geology, such as the Internet of things, the Internet, big data and cloud computing.How to retrieve more complete and more accurate information from the massive geological data, and provide it to user in a appreciate way is a question need to be resolved.In this paper we first define a semantic model towards geological big data and provide the construction method of this model based on the knowledge graph technology.Then, we propose a semantic retrieval and clustering analysis method.Finally, some related experiments were carried out by the geological big data retrieval system implemented.Experimental results show that the method has high recall and precision efficiency than others.


