The chemical composition, mineral constituent, and dissemination size of a high sulfur copper molybdenum ore in Yunnan were studied.The results show that the grade of molybdenum ore is 0.43%.The molybdenum minerals are mainly in the form of molybdenite and the oxidation rate of molybdenum is low, with granularity coarser.Copper minerals are mainly hosted in chalcopyrite form with finer size.On basis of the research of process mineralogy,comparing three kind of conventional flowsheet, ultimately the flowsheet of copper-molybdenum-sulfur mixed pick separation process was determined, and obtain the molybdenum concentrate with molybdenum grade 58.03% and recovery 92.17%, copper concentrate with copper grade 15.59% and recovery 64.84%, sulphur concentrate with sulphur grade 37.78% and recovery 57.93%.