
    Influence of different baffle structures on pulp cloud density in a large pulp stirred tank

    • 摘要: 以辽宁某公司在建的φ16 m搅拌槽为研究对象,采用CFD中k-ε湍流模型和多重参考坐标系法(MRF),对搅拌槽内的多相流场进行了数值模拟分析,并研究了挡板不同形状结构、安装方式对搅拌效果的影响。结果表明,前倾直挡板比标准直挡板结构对多相流搅拌更有利;采用前倾直挡板结构搅拌后的理想混合区(浓度58%~62%)比例最高,当其前倾角为45°时理想混合区比例高达到88.48%,达到最优搅拌效果。


      Abstract: In order to study the construction of φ16 m stirring tank under construction by a mining company in Liaoning province, the multiphase flow field in the stirred tank was numerically simulated and analyzed by usingk-ε turbulence model and multiple reference coordinate system (MRF) in CFD software. The effects of different shapes and installation modes of the baffles on the stirring performance were studied. The results show that the forward baffle is more beneficial to the multiphase flow mixing than the straight baffle structure, and the ideal mixed zone (58%~62%) is the highest when the forward baffle is used. When the angle of inclination is 45°, the proportion of the ideal mixing zone reaches 88.48%, and the optimal stirring effect is achieved.


