
    Research on digital resources management and security system of geological data in big data

    • 摘要: 大数据时代下的地质资料数字资源具有数据量大、数据类型多、数据价值高和高效利用等特点,国家地质资料数据中心的建设使得公众可以更加便利的获取和利用地质资料成果数据,同时也为国家经济建设提供了基础信息数字资源保障。本文对地质资料数字资源管理保障体系建设进行了研究,分析介绍了数字资源的基本情况,分别从网络保障、数据高效利用和长期保管技术等方面对数字资源的保障、数据安全体系建设等进行探讨与分析。数字资源管理保障体系可以有效地推进地质资料管理保障工作信息化建设。


      Abstract: The construction of the national geological data center makes it more convenient for the public to obtain and use the data of geological data.It can be used as the national data resources for the country,and it can be used as the national data resources for large-scale and large-scale data resources.Economic construction to provide basic information on digital resources protection.This paper studies the construction of the digital resources management and assurance system of geological data,analyzes the basic situation of digital resources,and discusses the protection of digital resources from the aspects of network layer,efficient use of data and long-term storage technology,and discusses the construction of data security system.Digital resources management and security system can effectively promote the geological information management and protection of information technology.


