
    The status and prospect of UAV remote sensing in mine monitoring and land reclamation

    • 摘要: 无人机遥感技术具有成本低、重访周期短、快速高效、质轻灵活、操作简便、获取影像的时空精度高等诸多的特点,成为近几年研究热点,并已在国土资源调查、农林生长监测、生态环境监测和灾害调查评估方面获得广泛应用,显示出其灵活、快速、高时空分辨率的优势。本文分析了目前无人机遥感技术在各领域应用现状,针对矿区这一特殊对象,在剖析我国典型矿区的面积、监测对象、监测指标的基础上,从搭载平台、传感器选择、监测参数设置等方面进行了具体分析,并构建了矿区无人机遥感监测与土地复垦的应用框架体系,认为无人机遥感技术可用于矿区基础信息普查、地质灾害与污染等敏感风险源信息获取与监测,矿区土地复垦与生态重建规划与设计、复垦验收与复垦后效果监测与评价等多个方面,将成为未来矿区监测与土地复垦重要的应用技术手段。


      Abstract: Unmanned aerial vehicle remote sensing(UAVRS) with the features of low cost, short revisit period, speediness and high efficiency, lightweight and flexibility, easy operation, and high accuracy etc., has become a research hotspot nowadays. It has also been widely employed in land resource investigating, agriculture and forest monitoring, eco-environment supervising and disaster evaluating, and demonstrates its advantages of elasticity, quickness, and high space-time resolution. This paper analyzed the application status of unmanned aerial vehicle remote sensing technology. For the special object of mining area, based on the analysis of typical mining districts’ area and monitored objects and indexes, carrying platform, sensors and monitoring parameter of were dissected specifically. Then, the application of framework system of unmanned aerial vehicle remote sensing monitoring and land reclamation in mining area was established. Unmanned aerial vehicle remote sensing technology, being available for basic information investigation, geological hazards and pollution monitoring, land reclamation and ecological restoration plan, reclamation acceptance and effect monitoring and evaluation, will become a vital important technique in monitoring and land reclamation of mining district.


