Geological cores and samples, obtained in geological process, have become an important part of major achievements made in geological exploration and scientific research, as well as the earth’s information.How to manage and make use of the precious geological cores and samples, and giving full play to them in the role of social and economic development, are important issues that should be solved by the geological cores and samples custody agencies.At present, few comparative studies on geological cores and samples management and services have been made between China and foreign countries.Since delegations from China’s National Geological Cores and Samples Archives had visited geological cores and samples custody agencies in Australia, the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom for many times, they have realized that differences exist in geological cores and samples management system, management policy, warehouse construction, screening technology, service and utilization, and information products development and sharing.By doing this comparative study, the authors put forward suggestions on how to better manage and utilize China’s geological cores and samples.