杨雪芬, 尹欢. 浅议新常态下我国黄金矿业企业的国际化经营战略[J]. 中国矿业, 2017, 26(1): 17-20.
    引用本文: 杨雪芬, 尹欢. 浅议新常态下我国黄金矿业企业的国际化经营战略[J]. 中国矿业, 2017, 26(1): 17-20.
    YANG Xuefen, YIN Huan. Analysis of international operation strategy of gold mining enterprises in China under the new normal[J]. CHINA MINING MAGAZINE, 2017, 26(1): 17-20.
    Citation: YANG Xuefen, YIN Huan. Analysis of international operation strategy of gold mining enterprises in China under the new normal[J]. CHINA MINING MAGAZINE, 2017, 26(1): 17-20.


    Analysis of international operation strategy of gold mining enterprises in China under the new normal

    • 摘要: 在中国进入增长速度换挡、结构调整和动力转换的“新常态”下,我国黄金矿业企业面临着获取优质资源、提高国际竞争力的考验。鉴于目前我国黄金矿业企业存在着境内资源禀赋差、发展空间小的现实,本文提出黄金矿业企业应理顺国际化经营思路,布局“一带一路”和非洲,走低成本取得重要矿产资源控制权或部分股权之路。在明确总体战略布局后,黄金矿业企业应结合企业“走出去”的动因及需求特性选择适合的海外市场进入模式,建成并完善企业的人才支撑战略,促进外派员工的跨文化适应能力,最后应把控国际化经营各个环节的风险,培育核心竞争力。


      Abstract: Under the new normal, gold mining enterprises in our country is faced the challenge of accessing high quality resources, and improving the international competitiveness. In the view of gold mining enterprises of our country having poor domestic resource endowment and development space, this paper puts forward that in the process of internationalization, China’s gold mining enterprises should make a overall strategic layout for the start, and ‘the Belt and Road’ and Africa will be the most suitable objective for the gold mining companies to obtain control of important mineral resources or stake at a lower cost. Then choosing suitable corresponding strategy, including overseas entry strategy, international human resource strategy and core competence strategy as a support.


