
    Orthogonal experiment research on geopolymer synthesis by utilizing smelting slag as raw material

    • 摘要: 以铅锌冶炼渣为硅铝原料,脱硫石膏和水玻璃为激发剂制备了地聚合物胶凝材料。正交试验研究了冶炼渣预粉磨时间、冶炼渣与激发剂混磨时间、脱硫石膏掺量和水玻璃掺量4个因素对地聚合物抗压强度的影响。结果表明:当冶炼渣预粉磨60 min、冶炼渣与激发剂混磨70 min、脱硫石膏掺量为4wt%、水玻璃掺量为9wt%时,所制的地聚合物3 d、7 d和28 d龄期的抗压强度均较高,分别达到26.03 MPa、31.22 MPa、36.48 MPa。XRD和SEM分析表明:地聚合物的微观结构致密性较好,非晶态凝胶体将未反应完的冶炼渣颗粒紧紧胶结在一起,并有针状钙矾石穿插其中,从而有助于抗压强度的提高。


      Abstract: In order to realize the recycling of the secondary resources, the investigation of geopolymer synthesis was presented by utilizing lead or zinc smelting slag as the main Si-Al source material, the desulfurized gypsum and water glass as the activators. The influences of the pre-grinding time of smelting slag, mixed-grinding time of smelting slag and activators, dosage of desulfurized gypsum, dosage of water glass on the compressive strength of geopolymer were investigated by orthogonal experiment. As the results showed, the highest 3-day, 7-day and 28-day compressive strength of geopolymer samples were 26.03 MPa, 31.22 MPa and 36.48 MPa respectively when the pre-grinding time of smelting slag was about 60min, the mixed-grinding time of smelting slag and activators was about 70min, the dosage of desulfurized gypsum was about 4wt% and water glass was about 9wt%. XRD and SEM analysis of samples prepared by the best processing conditions indicated that the geopolymer had the dense microstructure composed of homogenous gel and acicular AFt crystal, and the incompletely reacted smelting slag was closely cemented by the gel phase and the compressive strength was found to be enhanced.


