
    Analysis and outlook of the global lithium resources supply and demand

    • 摘要: 锂作为新兴产业最重要的矿产之一,在国民经济发展中的作用越来越重要。全球锂资源丰富,资源保障程度高,能够满足经济社会发展的长期需求。随着锂产业越来越受关注,全球锂资源勘探和开发的项目越来越多,锂资源储量增长明显。全球锂生产高度集中,呈现寡头垄断的局面。同时,受新能源汽车高速增长的带动,全球锂需求量快速增长。未来随着全球化石能源的逐渐枯竭,锂在核聚变发电站和动力汽车领域的应用会不断加大,全球锂需求也将呈加快增长趋势。全球锂供应充足,未来全球锂市场可能会出现供远大于求的局面。届时,智利、阿根廷、澳大利亚及美国有可能成为锂产品的主要出口国。


      Abstract: Lithium is one of the most important minerals in the emerging industry, and its role in the development of national economy is becoming more and more important.The resources of global lithium are rich enough to guarantee the supply of resources and meet the long-term needs of economic and social development.With more and more attention paid in the lithium industry, there are more and more projects of the global lithium exploration and development so that the reserves of lithium increased significantly.Global lithium production is highly concentrated, showing the situation of oligopoly.At the same time, driven by the rapid growth of new energy vehicles, global lithium demand rapid growth.In the future, with the gradual depletion of global fossil energy, lithium applications in the fields of nuclear fusion power plants and power cars will increase so quickly that the global demand of lithium will grow rapidly.The global lithium supply is sufficient.In future, this situation may occur that global lithium supply is far greater than the demand.By then, Chile, Argentina, Australia and the United States may become a major exporter of lithium products.


