
    Study on supergenetic corrosion of Yuxia-style Sr ore deposit

    • 摘要: 通过对玉峡式锶矿床表生溶蚀作用的深入研究,对表生溶蚀作用地质特征进行了总结,其表现为:①地表矿层对应位置多为盐溶角砾岩;②矿体组分随深度增加呈现出菱锶矿→菱锶矿-天青石混合带→天青石的变化特征;③表生溶蚀作用深度约为50m。同时对表生溶蚀机理进行了探讨,矿床自身物化性质决定了矿体的易溶性,表生溶蚀作用与以重碳酸盐为主的浅层地下水的垂向运动密切相关。


      Abstract: Based on the study on supergenetic corrosion of Yuxia-style Sr ore deposit,the paper summarizes characteristics of supergenetic corrosion:①corresponding place of ledge is usually evaporite solution breccia;②with the increase of depth,orebody components present the shift of strontianite→strontianite-celestine mixing zone→Celestine;③corrosion occurs in about 50m.The paper also discusses its mechanism,the physicochemical properties of deposits determine its good solubility,supergenetic corrosion is closely related to vertical movement of groundwater which is mainly composed of hydro-carbonate water.


