
    Geology and ore resources in Afghanistan and potential and risk analysis of China-Afghanistan mining cooperation

    • 摘要: 阿富汗位于中亚、南亚和西亚的结合部位,是连接“一带”与“一路”两条线路的重要通道之一,对中国“一带一路”建设的战略意义非同小可。优越的成矿地质环境造就了其丰富的矿产资源,结束了30余年的战乱之后,阿富汗实施国家重建战略,为了吸引境外矿业投资,不断制定和出台优惠政策,鼓励外商赴阿开展矿业投资。中阿两国政府关系良好,其丰富的矿产资源与我国具有很强的互补性,开展矿业合作符合双方战略需求。但目前阿富汗依然存在安全形势不确定、基础设施落后、法律法规不健全、技术人才短缺等严峻问题。从长远看,阿富汗矿业开发的大幕已经开启,蕴藏丰富商机,对阿富汗矿业合作应该持积极而慎重的态度,我国政府与企业应提早谋划,充分准备。


      Abstract: Afghanistan is located at the junction of the Central Asia, South Asia and West Asia.It is an important channel connected to the “One Belt” and “One Road”.So Afghanistan is of great strategic significance to China’s “Belt and Road” construction.The superior metallogenic geological environment has made rich ore resources in Afghanistan.After over 30 years of war, Afghanistan carry out the strategy of national reconstruction.Afghanistan government continuously developed and introduced preferential policies in order to attract overseas mining investment and encourage foreign investment in Afghanistan.The two governments have a good relationship China and Afghanistan.Rich ore resources in Afghanistan are highly complementary with our country.The development of mining cooperation conforms to the strategic needs of both sides.However, there are still serious problems such as uncertain security situation, backward infrastructure, imperfect law system and shortage of technical talent.In the long run, Afghanistan’s mining boom has begun.We should take positive and cautious attitude toward the mining cooperation in Afghanistan.


