马俪, 潘海洋, 孙升林. “互联网+地质”的互联网思维分析[J]. 中国矿业, 2017, 26(7): 12-15.
    引用本文: 马俪, 潘海洋, 孙升林. “互联网+地质”的互联网思维分析[J]. 中国矿业, 2017, 26(7): 12-15.
    MA Li, PAN Haiyang, SUN Shenglin. Suggestions on how to accomplish “internet+geology”[J]. CHINA MINING MAGAZINE, 2017, 26(7): 12-15.
    Citation: MA Li, PAN Haiyang, SUN Shenglin. Suggestions on how to accomplish “internet+geology”[J]. CHINA MINING MAGAZINE, 2017, 26(7): 12-15.


    Suggestions on how to accomplish “internet+geology”

    • 摘要: 随着互联网的飞速发展,互联网对经济和社会发展产生了深刻的变革,对传统生产方式和消费习惯带来了巨大的挑战与冲击。发挥我国互联网已经形成的比较优势,加快推进“互联网+”发展,对于实现中国经济提质增效升级具有重要意义。处于转型发展关键期和行业低谷的地质行业,如何通过“互联网+”战略实现产业换代升级,各地勘单位如何将“互联网+”与企业经营结合,指导地质生产全过程,不仅仅关系到地质产业的转型升级,而且关系到地质产业未来发展的重要问题。本文分析现有地质行业利用互联网技术的现状,首次提出了“互联网+地质”的内涵,并从树立互联网思维的角度,阐述“互联网+地质”应具备的新型思维方式,以及“互联网+地质”面临的发展机遇和存在的困难,对未来行业开展“互联网+地质”,提供了有益的参考和借鉴。


      Abstract: With the rapid progress of internet technology,great changes have taken place on social economy and development,as well as on traditional production mode and human beings’ consumption custom.It is of high priority to accelerate the internet+ act,and to realize China’s economy quality and efficiency upgrading.For the Chinese geology industry,which is on the troughs of business cycle,to achieve industry upgrading using internet+ act not only matters the geological enterprises’ transformation and upgrading,but also the industry’s future development.In this article,we analyzed what’s happing on current Chinese geology industry with internet technology as well as the real meaning of internet+,through which we first propose the concept of “internet+geology”.From the prospect view of opportunities and challenges,we provide useful point of references on how to accomplish “internet+geology”.


