
    Exploration on fractal characteristics of mined-out areas in metal mines

    • 摘要: 引入分形理论研究金属矿山采空区形状特征,采用计盒维数方法分别计算了四个不同矿山单个采空区一维边界线、二维区域、三维边界曲面以及三维空间体的分维数,研究探索得知单个采空区形状具有良好的分形特性,进而将单采空区分维值计算方法拓展至采空区群顶板分维值计算,研究证明采空区群顶板三维曲面形状也具有明显的分形特征。分维值是反映采空区复杂程度的定量参数,其为复杂采空区形状特征研究提供了一种新的方法,可供类似研究借鉴。


      Abstract: Fractal theory is applied to study the shape characteristics of mined-out area in metal mines.The fractal dimensions of four different single mined-out areas in metal mines have been calculated in one-dimensional lines, two-dimensional areas, three-dimensional curved surface area and body, and the results show that the shape of mined-out area has good fractal characteristics.Then, the method had been extended to the fractal dimension calculation of the 3D surface roof of mined-out area group, it was proved that the 3D surface roof of the mined-out area group has obvious fractal characteristics too.Fractal dimension is a quantitative parameter that reflects the complexity of mined-out area, it provides a new method for the study of complex mined-out areas, and it can be used for reference of similar study.


