
    Analysis on the prospects of Vietnam in mining and related industries

    • 摘要: 我国“一带一路”倡议与越南“两廊一圈”规划相结合,将为中越两国和两国企业带来互利共赢的巨大机遇。本文从越南矿业及相关产业发展现状切入,结合两国未来发展需求及相关产业互补性,综合分析越南资源禀赋、资源产业状况、经济社会发展前景、地区安全形势、矿业投资政策、政府重点规划等因素,从资源开发及冶炼加工、基础设施建设和产业园区建设等角度, 提出在越南矿业及相关产业投资的领域和区域建议,为企业“走出去”提供参考。


      Abstract: Chinese “Belt and Road” initiative handshake “two corridors a circle” planning, will bring China and Vietnam as well as their enterprises in the mutually beneficial and win-win great opportunities. Based on the analysis of the development condition of the mining industry and related industries in Vietnam, combining the future development needs of the two countries and the complementarity of related industries, this paper analyzes the resources endowment, the prospects of economic and social development, the regional security situation, the mining investment policy, the government planning. This paper proposes the key industries and regions capacity for the enterprises tending to invest in Vietnam from the aspects of resource exploitation and smelting processing, infrastructure construction and industrial park construction.


