
    An overview of critical mineral resource evaluation by foreign institutions

    • 摘要: 关键矿产资源对一个国家的国土安全、经济发展具有的意义。目前,国内并未发布关键矿产的研究报告和结论。国外一些政府组织和研究机构对选定的金属和非金属矿产进行了关键评价,制定了评价指标和评价方法,并且公布了的评价结果。但这些研究的评价指标和评价方法并不一致,得到的关键矿产评价结果差异较大。本文通过对4个主要研究机构的研究报告进行分析概述,剖析关键评价的理念、指标体系、评价方法和评价模型,比较不同研究的共同点及之间的差异。同时列举了国外主要研究机构建立的关键矿产品目录,以便为我国的关键矿产评价提供借鉴方法。


      Abstract: Critical mineral resource is of significant importance to the national security and economic development.Researches and conclusions about critical mineral resource are not published in China.Several government institution and working groups around the world have made criticality evaluation for metallic and non-metallic mineral resource.Relevant indexes and methods index are established and criticality of evaluation mineral resource are ranked and published.However,the evaluation index and methods on critical mineral resources evaluation are variable and therefore the criticality evaluation are heterogeneous.In this paper,11 reports and articles from 4 different institutions are analysed.The critical concept,evaluation index,methods and model during criticality assessment are summarized to compare the differences and similarities.And the critical mineral resource lists from these institutions are also shown to give a reference for critical mineral resource evaluation in China.


