
    Development status and prospect analysis of solid mineral resources in Indonesia

    • 摘要: 印度尼西亚是全球重要的矿产资源供应地,也是我国企业走出去投资矿业的首选国家,系统分析其矿业开发现状和前景对我国企业在当地投资具有一定指导意义。本文对印度尼西亚的重要矿产资源分布、矿业投资与开发现状以及中资企业投资情况等进行了阐述,得出的结论为印度尼西亚矿业投资的重点矿种是煤炭、铜矿、铝土矿、镍矿和金矿,重点投资区域为加里曼丹、苏拉威西、西爪哇、亚齐和新几内亚等地区。


      Abstract: Indonesia is not only the major mineral resources supplier of the world, but also the preferred country that the Chinese enterprises for mining investment, it is guiding significance for Chinese enterprises to systematically analyze Indonesia’s mining current situation and prospects.This paper elaborates Indonesia’s distribution of important mineral resources, development and investment situation, and the investment situation of Chinese-funded enterprises, the results showing the key minerals of Indonesian mining investment are coal, copper, bauxite, nickel and gold, the main investment regions of Indonesian are Kalimantan, Sulawesi, West Java, Aceh and New Guinea.


