
    Numerical simulation study on the flow field characteristics for gas-liquid two phasesin flotation machine

    • 摘要: 基于标准k-ε湍流模型和Mixture多相流模型,对容积为20 L的KYF浮选机内气液两相流场特性进行了模拟研究,并探究了搅拌强度对流场特性的影响。结果表明:Y=0截面的两相流体绝对速度、静压、液相湍流动能、液相涡流黏度等流场特性沿转轴呈对称式分布,且速度场呈上、下两循环分布;搅拌强度对混合区速度、压力、气相体积浓度分布影响显著,对上升区和分离区影响相对较小;搅拌强度每增加50 rpm,混合搅拌区速度大约增大0.03 m/s,上升区大约增加0.01 m/s,分离区大约增加0.001 m/s,转子区负压大约增加400 Pa,混合区气相体积分数大约减少0.01%~0.3%;模拟研究可为协同调控浮选机内流场特性和浮选技术指标提供参考依据。


      Abstract: Based on standard k-ε turbulence model and Mixture multiphase flow model, the internal flow field characteristics of KYF type flotation machine of 20 L for gas-liquid two phases are numerically simulated, and the effects of stirring on flow field characteristics are investigated.The results indicate that the flow field characteristics including the absolute velocity for two phases, static pressure, turbulence kinetic energy and viscosity eddy for liquid of Y=0 section distribute symmetrically along the shaft.And the velocity field distributes into two cycles up and down in the flotation machine.The stirring intensity has a remarkable influence on the velocity, pressure and gas volume fraction distributions in the mixing zone.The influence on the floating zone and the separation zone is relatively small.For each additional 50 rpm of stirring intensity, the velocities increase by about 0.03 m/s, 0.01 m/s and 0.001 m/s respectively ranging from the mixing zone to the separation zone.Meanwhile the negative static pressure in the rotational zone increases by about 400 Pa.However the gas volume fraction decreases by about 0.01%~0.3% in the mixing zone.The simulation study can provide reference for the cooperative control of the flow field characteristics and flotation technical indexes in the flotation machine.


