A low grade refractory sulfide nickel-copper ore from Hami district of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region contained nickel 0.332% and copper 0.208%.The relationships between minerals and gaugues were complex and particle sizes of valuable minerals were fine,and the gangues in the ore are high in magnesium content and good in floatability.Flotation reagents have settled by six sodium hexametaphosphate and CMC as gangues’ depressors,sulfate copper is uesd as activator,and amyl xanthate,Y-89 and butylamine aerofloat as mixed collectors in odter to make full recovery of the valuable nickel and copper minerals and decrease the content of MgO in the concentrate.After the closed-circuit flotation process of two roughing-three scavening-three cleaning,the final concentrate with nickle grade of 5.123%,nickle recovery of 77.80%.The concent of MgO in the concentrate is only 6.11%,according with the requirement of smelting.Most of the nickel minerals in the tailings are non-floating oxide nickel and silicate nickel.This indicates that the flotation process can be well suited to the nature of the ore.