
    Research on royalties and metal streams and inspirations for overseas investmentsof Chinese enterprises

    • 摘要: 全球为矿业领域提供挂牌和融资服务的交易所上市的勘查公司,有很多可以使用的金融工具来进行融资和交易。本文重点介绍其中两种被普遍使用的具有矿业行业特色的金融工具和交易方式——权利金交易和金属流交易。在此基础上,进一步介绍由两种投资工具延伸出的矿产资源投资的一个细分行业,总结和归纳对中国企业海外矿产资源投资的启示,并就中国企业的海外投资提出对策和建议。


      Abstract: For those overseas exploration companies which are listed on the global stock exchange that provide listing and financing services primarily in the mining sector, there are a number of financial instruments that can be used for financing and trading.This article emphatically introduces two of the most widely used financial instruments and transactions, the royalties and metal streams.On this basis, this paper also analyses a subdivided industry which is extended by these two investment tools, summarizes and sums up the inspirations and put forward countermeasures and suggestions for overseas investment of Chinese enterprises.


