
    Analysis of transformation development of resource-based city based on dissipative structure theory:a case study of Xuzhou city

    • 摘要: 资源型城市依托矿产等资源开发而兴起,由于资源的可耗竭性,城市可能出现“矿竭城衰”的危机,采取转型对策推进城市发展具有重要的现实意义。本文以资源型城市徐州为例,运用耗散结构理论分析其耗散结构特征及熵流变化。结果表明,资源型城市是一个处于远离平衡态的开放系统,具有非线性动力学过程和耗散结构功能。徐州市熵流值由2002年的0.0074上升至2005年的0.1892,无序度增大,主要因为矿产资源枯竭、产业衰退、生态环境破坏。通过产业转型和生态修复,徐州市熵流值呈现下降趋势,并于2010年下降至-0.1414,表现为负熵,说明城市有序度不断提高。本研究对其他资源型城市的转型发展具有借鉴意义。


      Abstract: Resource-based cities rise along with mining development. Because of the exhaustibility of mine resources, it is inevitable for resource-based cities to fall into decay when resources are used up. Taking measures to urban transformation has an important practical significance for the development of resource-based cities. The paper, taking resource-based city, Xuzhou city, as an example, analyzed its characteristics of dissipative structure theory and entropy flow. The results show that the resource-based city is an open system far from equilibrium, with nonlinear dynamic process and dissipative structure function. The entropy flow value of Xuzhou increased from 0.0074 in 2002 to 0.1892 in 2005, and disorder degree increased. This is mainly due to the depletion of mineral resources, industry recession and the destruction of ecological environment. By industrial transformation and ecological restoration, the entropy flow value of Xuzhou showed a downward trend, and decreased to -0.1414 in 2010, performing negative entropy, which indicates that the order degree of Xuzhou city has been continuously improved. This study has reference significance for the transformation and development of other resource-based cities.


