
    Research on theprevention of premature explosion accident in high-temperature zone of open-cast coal mine

    • 摘要: 早爆事故是露天煤矿火区安全生产的主要威胁之一,为研究早爆事故的预防措施,本论文通过对露天煤矿火区事故的致因分析,得出了测温仪故障、火区炮孔过深及一次作业炮孔过多等16个容易导致火区早爆事故的基本事件及2个条件事件。基于这些事件构建了露天煤矿火区早爆事故树,并对事故树最小割集基本事件结构重要度进行了定量分析和排序。结合事故树分析结果和宁夏某露天矿火区爆破实际情况,提出了爆破作业分区管理、建立火区爆破作业班组、逆程序施工作业、控制一次爆破作业时长及多方联合测温等预防露天煤矿火区爆破作业早爆事故的针对性措施。将这些措施应用到该矿实际爆破作业中取得了良好的效果,提高了作业效率、保证了火区爆破作业安全,为类似工程提供了较好的借鉴。


      Abstract: Premature explosion accident is one of the main threatens to safety production in high-temperature zone of open-cast coal. To find out the preventive measure of the premature explosion accident, 2 conditional events and 16 basic events such as thermodetector failure and excessive deep hole in fire area are presented, through accident-causing analysis of premature explosion fault in fire zone of open-pit coal mine. Based on those events, premature explosion fault tree of open-pit coal mine is constructed. Combined with the qualitative analysis results of the ATA and the actual situation of some open-cast coal in Ningxia, some corresponding measures such as blasting zoning management of high-temperature area and establishing operations team of high-temperature blasting and multipartite temperature measurement are suggested to prevent premature explosion accident in high-temperature zone of open-pit coal mine, which obtains good results in the practice of the blasting operation and provides a good reference for similar engineering.


