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    Articles in press have been peer-reviewed and accepted, which are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable by Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
    Practice and effectiveness of green exploration in Wangjiazhai Bauxite Mining Area in Central Guizhou
    CHEN Dongting, LIU Tianyi, DA Wei, ZHENG Minghong, YANG Xiaofei, ZHU Youqing, WANG Pengju
    DOI: 10.12075/j.issn.1004-4051.20230604
    Abstract FullText HTML PDF
    Treatment method of acid wastewater in closed pit coal mine: a case study of Pingmoshan Closed Pit Coal Mine in Daozhen County of Guizhou Province
    CHEN Hongshen, ZHAO Shuang, TIAN Heli, GONG Xinlei, CHEN Zhongfa
    DOI: 10.12075/j.issn.1004-4051.20230777
    Abstract FullText HTML PDF
    Safety risk assessment of underground gold mine based on cloud model with combination weighting of game theory
    CHU Minghui, XU Kaili, XU Xiaohu, FU Shigen, HAN Haoliang
    DOI: 10.12075/j.issn.1004-4051.20230872
    Abstract FullText HTML PDF
    Research on 3D perspective stope technology of fully mechanized mining face construction in Shendong Mining Area
    ZHANG Chuanjiu, LI Xin, REN Jianhui, MA Mengmeng
    DOI: 10.12075/j.issn.1004-4051.20230465
    Abstract FullText HTML PDF
    Study on the influence of bursting liability on coal dynamic characteristics
    ZHANG Chuanjiu, REN Jianhui, LI Xuanliang, HAN Peng, DU Taotao
    DOI: 10.12075/j.issn.1004-4051.20230210
    Abstract FullText HTML PDF